The Leo Yockey Show

What is Morality? (TRISHES)

Leo Yockey / TRISHES Season 2 Episode 5

Leo interviews musical artist TRISHES about her upcoming album, The Id. They also discuss morality, zero sum politics, and their unique positions between privilege and oppression.

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By: Leo Yockey

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Leo Yockey show, the podcast where i Leo Yockey interview guests about the universal truths in their unique life path. Okay, I know I say this every week, but I am really excited about this week's guests. I, I say it in the interview a few times, but I have to try not to be a fanboy here. You know, one of the really cool things about having this podcast is just being able to meet and talk to people who I think are doing really cool things. Honestly, it's one of the benefits of being involved in my community to the artists that I'm interviewing today. Trish is she's a musician. She's got a really great message behind a lot of her work. And I met her through the nonprofit that I work with no home Alliance, an organization that provides services to the unhoused in my neighborhood, and in our neighborhood. That's where I met Trish she does all of the Instagram reels for for our account, which is a lot of fun. Anyway, if you enjoy this podcast, I know that you would enjoy Patricia's music, go and check it out. And her she actually has an album coming out this Friday. And if you're listening to this before Monday, October 25 and you're in the LA area Trisha is is having a release an album release Show. I'm going to be there it's at the hotel cafe in Hollywood there's a link for that in the show notes as well and if you're listening to this after go and check out that link anyway because it's just a link to her upcoming live shows on her website so anything that she may have going on in the future I assume would also be there. Anyway I'm really excited about this I also have another meeting coming up in three minutes I don't know why I'm trying to record this right now I'm being chaotic anyway. Trisha is is great, you're gonna love her music you're gonna love this interview. So let's get into it. All right, Trish, here we go. You ready? How's it going? I'm ready. I'm good. Thank you for having me. Oh, thank you so much for coming on. I feel I feel a little bit for the first time since starting this podcast that I got to like make sure that I don't venture into like fanboy territory because I really like your music I really enjoy your music so peek behind the curtain for the listeners. We're recording this a little bit ahead of time but as far as you're hearing this this Friday, Trish is has an album coming out to Ed and I've heard some of the singles already and I've started doing like a little bit of a dive to some of your other music that came out before that and I really love all of it I love your sound I love your content. I think it's all really cool i think that i don't know i just love it so I'm gonna try not to ramble too much. I feel like you can do it you're like Yes please. What are you talking about please man I love hearing how great I am well Trish you are great No seriously I I've been on a little bit of a journey my listeners know I talk about it a lot you know a lot of why I started this podcast you know for me it came out of a bit of an identity crisis like I didn't know what I wanted to do with my career I was you know I had had so many personal changes that you know my my identity as you know a biracial person as a first generation American on one side as a trans man like there's all these different identities that I hadn't really like consolidated and made peace with and then also the career peace and you know my experiences with privilege and capitalism and where I fit into all that is and so I I mentioned to you right before we start recording your song venom which that is available right now so listeners definitely go check that out right now. venom was a very that was my introduction she to your music. And I love any medium where anybody is going to put out anything that that's very Hey, this is who I am hello world. This is me. And I feel like that's what what venom was and I love the the loops the loops are really cool. And you know the the technical side of me loves the like. I don't know craftsmanship, for lack of a better term of like what you can do with the loops because I've seen you do some of your stuff on it live and just Land, you know, layering on these loops? And I don't know, I just think it's all like, so cool. So like, Can you can you talk to us a little bit about, about this album The ID and, and just kind of like in your own words like what it what it means for you. Yeah, so the ID is my first full length album and it's my second, like body of work, I released an EP called ego in 2019. So Trisha is really based around these, like Freud and constructs of self. Just because I think that they are a good framework, at least for me to be able to, like, understand different wants and desires within myself because our wants and desires are constantly conflicting, that's just part of the human experience. So, um, this, this framework of the Freud in constructs, is, is the sort of like, cultural myth that is embedded into society. And it just, for me, helps me understand these, these different wants and needs. And so, so I developed the project kind of after college to help me understand, like, who I was, when I began doing the looping and stuff during a time of a lot of internal conflict, and having the ability to both manipulate my voice to represent several selves, but also to loop my voice in a way that it could be in the world. And these three selves could be all represented at the same time, was just really therapeutic for me. And so the whole project sort of came together in a really organic way, I think a lot was happening subconsciously, like, I think I was attracted to live looping, because that's how my brain just thinks, like, I can be very fixated on different things. And it's like sort of the same thing when you have like, when you have a long list of things to do, and it's easier once you write it out. For me, if I have these like, constant, if I have like loops in my head of like the same thought, it's easier for me once it's like out in real space, that makes any sense. So ego really dealt with, with constructs that I felt made us human, and sort of separated us from the primal animal self, like what was the crossover. And so ego was based around like government and money and creativity and things like that. And it is really me diving into this self that is essentially like a suppression of fear and shame that lives inside of us, that we like really often are avoiding. And so that so the it is really just a chance for that self within myself to express itself, if that makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for sharing all that. I really, I really love what you had to say about, about the looping and how that's how your brain works. And I was wondering, would you feel comfortable sharing like what what exactly were like the internal conflicts that you were going through at the time when when you started that looping process? The main thing I think, was a very, very basic, the most basic human conflict, which is the balance between selfishness and morality. So I think at first my my main question was, what is morality? And is it necessary? Because you know, a lot of a lot of our ideals they're just made up like, why do we believe that all people are equal? Like why we just decided, we just decided that all people are equal? Some people, you know, right. But throughout time, you know, we've had caste systems, and we've like, had slavery and all of these things. So all of these, all of these ideas are really just made up. And like human or morality developed, because we cannot exist alone. So morality developed, because we needed some way that we needed some way to take care of each other, because that's the only way that humans can exist. Yeah. So it's, it's this interesting thing, that for, as long as humans have existed, we have been balancing between caring for other people and selfishness. And that's kind of the point I was I was like, really just questioning everything I was taught by religion or society or my parents and being like, why is this true? And just in certain situations, being like, I could just be selfish right now. Like, I could just disregard anyone else's wants, or needs. Why would I not do that? Yeah, like what even happened? consequentially, if I did that, right? So it was really this. This type end, and what happened was that I, I was selfish in a lot of ways. And I was like, terribly unhappy. And so for, for me, the eventual conclusion was that I serve others because that is because serving others makes me happy. Yeah. And I don't know if there's, if there's a true morality, but I do, I do think a lot about why for some people, it is clear, or we come to the conclusion that taking care of each other is incredibly important for ourselves, and some people don't come to that conclusion. So I think, you know, I think I'm going to be dealing with a lot of that in superego. But the EDD was, was me grappling with those concepts and just being like, if I was 100%, those things that like, I've been told not to be, what would that sound like and feel like? Yeah. Yeah, I love that. I think that that is also interesting, because I've been, I've also been kind of on this journey of really thinking about morality and values, and why do we choose the values that we do? And it does seem like people, there are people who will live perfectly fulfilling lives without serving others, or at least what we see from their highlight reels, what we see from the sidelines, is they're living perfectly fulfilling lives. And it's like, Why Why? Why is there that that difference? And I think, I think so much about how the environment that I was brought up in Actually, let me let me take a step back. It almost feels, you know, convenient. Is that the word I want to use, yeah, I guess convenient, that I'm not white that I'm trans, that I, you know, it's like it was easy for me to fall into, like, what I believe to be the moral high ground, so to speak, you know, what I mean? Because it, it is actually most self serving for me. Whereas, like, if I were to grow up in a much different environment, you know, and I was maybe led down a path that say, for example, I don't know, just pulling something random out of my hat. at the Capitol on January 6, you know what I mean? Like, it's so easy for me to say like, Oh, these people are bad, but it's like, so much of what got me to the point where I feel like that's bad. A lot of a lot of that is personal choice. But also there are a lot of things that are outside of my control. It was just a I'm just a product of my environment and stuff like that. And yeah, I don't quite know where I'm going with that, but I'm attempting to segue into pig sunglasses. How am I doing but But you have you do you do have a song called Big sunglasses that I think kind of explores a lot of this I really love the music video for it. I'm I'm gonna forget the not going to I've already forgotten the word for the experiment but I think a lot of people are familiar with that experiment where people were giving electric shocks to people and and they were being told to turn up the voltage and and in the big sunglasses video, you're kind of exploring every angle of that, in that video, you are simultaneously the person receiving the shocks, the person giving the shocks, and the person telling the person given the shocks to like, turn, turn up the crank or whatever. And and, you know, like, you kind of say, when you're explaining that project that like we we are all all of these things. And yeah, I don't know. Sorry, I'm so all over the place. Again, fanboy mode. But can you can you talk a little bit about like, about how you like, kind of came up with that idea for the for that project? And how, how that video came to be birthed from that particular song? Yeah, I don't know why that was always what I wanted to do. I just always wanted to see I wanted to be all of the characters in that experiment is the Milgram experiment. Thank you. So actually, so so the the video was inspired by both the Milgram experiment and also the Stanford Prison Experiment. So the illusion, the illusion to the big sunglasses, I thought a lot about, here's how we got from A to B to C. So a was there's a study that was done in the 2000s, I think, there was a study that was done that showed that when people were wearing sunglasses, there were a lot less likely to stop and give money to a homeless person. And they connected this study, often to the Stanford Prison Experiment, where the prison guards would wear these like aviator reflective sunglasses. And one of the one thing that people gathered from this was that it was easier for them for the, for the guards to enact any sort of cruelty because they were wearing these sunglasses. And the man who did the Stanford Prison Experiment was also fired by the Milgram experiment. So I think that's kind of the rabbit hole I went down, was just going into these ideas of authority. And identity. Because because like, for me, I think that anyone in the situation of being a police policing another person, or controlling another person, will be very likely to abuse that power. I think there's something that is human nature about that. I don't think it's inevitable. But I think you know, it's that, who will watch the watchmen, I think, when we don't have accountability, we, we really revert to like, a, we really just kept sort of devolve. So I think the, I wanted to incorporate those two studies, to talk about the ideas of identity and authority, but also, I wanted to be all of the characters as a reminder that we're all of these. We're all of the players. And, you know, when people think about the state of the Milgram experiment, when people think about the Milgram experiment, they either think they most likely think I wouldn't have done that. Yeah. Because they're always putting themselves in the position of the participant. But they're never putting themselves in the position of the supervisor. Like people don't hear about the experiment and think I wouldn't have performed this experiment because I feel like it's immoral to challenge someone's more And that way, like, we don't question the morality of the people putting on the experiment? Yeah, we don't question the morality of the actor pretending to be shocked, right? So, yeah, it's just to say that we're all all of those things. And everyday, you know, we're deciding which of those things we're going to be. And it was also just a great way for me to be able to show the dynamic between these characters that essentially make up my projects. Yeah, that's, that's so cool. Thank you for taking me down down that whole path. And I think you're right, I think you you touched on something that has been so interesting for me for a while you said the policing when you're put in a position to police other people. I'm gonna paraphrase. You said that, you know, it lends itself to to that person acting in a cruel manner, but it's not necessarily inevitable, right? Because we're, as, as heavily as we are influenced by our environment and our circumstances, we are at the end of the day, a product of our choices above all else, and there's always that freedom of choice to, to do something differently. But I again, I go back to like, I, it almost feels, you know, it to some degree, I think about like, well, what if I was a straight cisgender? Christian, man? Like, I don't know how I would be, you know, I don't know how I would act because it's so it's so far away from my reality, that it's so easy to say, Oh, I would, I would never treat marginalized people in a bad way. Because I know better, but it it's almost not even about knowing better. And what even is better? It's it's all kind of a matter of perspective. And then there's always that. That like, I guess, psychological, I don't know, there's always that urge to be like, you know, better. I think there's always a better you than me mentality that leads us to behave in a cruel way. You know what I mean? Like, if I'm in this position of power, it's like, well, let me let me make sure that I exert that power, because I don't want to end up in a position where I show too much weakness, and thus, the tables get turned on me. You know what I mean? Right? Yeah, it's a, like a zero sum game, essentially. Yeah. Um, so I'm reading Have you heard of the some of us by Heather, Mickey? I don't think so. Actually, it's a great book, it's really a great book. And she's essentially talking about that America was founded on this idea that privilege is a zero sum game. So most, I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to miss say, the study. But basically, we have this culture idea, especially within white the white population, that in order for minorities to have more power, they will have less power. Yeah, they think that like, there's only so much power to go around. And in communities of color, communities of color don't tend to see see power and privilege as a zero sum game. Which is actually true. It's really actually like the one person and the rest of us is worth the power dynamic shifts. Right. But yeah, it's like really it's really really interesting like the the main thing I've heard her talk about in like interviews and stuff, is how when pools were like mandated to be segregated, some of them are just shut down. So instead of integrating a pool, they would rather just lose the pool. Yeah, so it's just so as a metaphor for the greater public works as a as a whole in the United States is that so many people would rather someone else doesn't get something that they won't get it themselves. So like, we see that in healthcare and stuff. It's like, Oh, yeah, we would people, people vote against their own interests, because they don't want like freeloaders getting you the same things they are, when it's just like, we could all have these things. It's not a zero sum game, but yeah, so but what you're saying I, I would, I would encourage you to to look up Get this book called The some of us. Definitely going to check out the some of us I yeah, that sounds great. I mean, we even we even see it in the work that we do, you know, peek behind the curtain, Trish and I know each other through an organization that provides services to the unhoused. And it's like, you can't even find like a park bench to sit in half the time because it's like they take them all away, or they put spikes in them because they don't want homeless people to like sleep on them. You know, and it's like all night and you can't find like a decent clean public restroom because they don't want to make them too comfortable and, and usable because then homeless people are going to use them. And it's like, well, I go to the I go to the park, and we need to go to the bathroom too. Sometimes, like, what what is this? But you know, God, God forbid the freeloaders get anything. And that's such a loaded statement, too. You know what I mean? And yeah, I especially because like people just don't understand, like history and like how, how much public works we had before, before integration and desegregation. But I think the other thing is I was reading, because I post on our page, I like make like reels and tic tocs for our page. And there was one that I posted about affordable housing, and it got, like so many like trolls on the internet. And one guy was just like, I'm sick of seeing these people at our parks, and our, like, bus stations and everywhere. And I was like, okay, so you do want affordable housing, so you don't see them everywhere. Like, where do you want them to go? Like it, it just made no sense to me, I was like, I'm offering a solution for the thing you don't want, but you don't want them to have that either. Like, we could solve the problem, we could solve your problem. But the solution would be giving people something and you have you do hate this group of people so much that you wouldn't give them something to get something in return. It's just so bizarre. It's so bizarre like I think about the other thing, kind of speaking to what you were talking about a little earlier, is that I've always felt like uniquely positioned to speak on issues of privilege because I'm incredibly privileged so in the ways that you would like that are just that I would appear that like I'm a brown woman, I'm a kid of immigrants. But I'm also like, very educated. I've always been very financially stable and have just genuine generally other privileges in life. So I always felt pretty uniquely privileged in that way so like I didn't pay to go to college my parents paid for me to go to college. And the idea that like other people should have to pay to go to college. Like I've seen people you know, be against like absolving student debt because they're like well, I had to pay my way Yeah, and I'm just like, why would you like didn't that suck that sounds like it's soft and that they wouldn't want other pupils to not do that but yeah, for me I think about like what a privilege it was that I didn't have to do that wouldn't like Yeah, I just would i would like that for everyone else as well. Right so it's um yeah it's very it's very strange because but I do think it's helpful to have like a balance of privileges and when you are at the end where you kind of have all of them it's it's more difficult to see that it's not a zero sum game 100% and it as far as it's the student loan absolving thing it's like that you literally want to block progress. It's like okay, you had to pay for college but isn't the whole point is that life is supposed to get better and better and better with each generation as we learn what works and what doesn't work. Shouldn't we be evolving, but I guess that's neither here nor there. But I also related to you know, kind of feeling really uniquely positioned to talk about privilege because, you know, like, on the one hand, you know, my dad is from Tanzania. Hardly anyone's ever even heard of Tanzania. And you know, even in you Even within that society, he came from a very underprivileged background, still one of only two people from his home village who have ever gotten the equivalent of a high school education. The second person being now my stepmother. And then on the other hand, I have my other side of the family, I'm outside the family is, you know, why, why why, like, been been in America and privileged and middle, like, I guess the equivalent middle class or better, pretty much forever. And when I look at the financial privileges, that like my mom, and uncles and grandma and grandfather had, a lot of it all kind of starts and ends with one thing. And that was the house that my grandparents bought. And they bought it on a VA loan that was given to all of the world war two vets that was not available to people of color, even if they served in the war. And then on top. So on top of getting this loan, they also essentially won a lottery because they decided, you know, my great grandparents said that they were being foolish for buying a house on a dirt road where they did in the middle of nowhere, say middle nowhere, because it was the middle of nowhere at the time. We know where that house is. It's a Manhattan Beach. So over a decade after decade after decade, that $15,000 house that they bought was Wow, quite a bit more than that when it was sold in 2005. Yeah, I mean, so it's like, and that all came from a government handout. I mean, it came from the VA loan that it came from them serving the government. And if it wasn't for that, nobody on this side of the family would have the privilege and comfort that we have, I mean, it trickled all the way down into my generation. And yeah, it just blows my mind. Again, it's like when you it's like you don't you can take things for granted so easily, right, like we take for granted that like we just have running water and electricity and all these things. You know, when you just have money in your in your family's always had money, it's so easy not to see the line of privilege that it took to get there. You know, at some point, at some time, whether it was your generation or several generations prior at some point, someone had to either get really, really lucky and get a leg up, or they had to like really bust their butt to get to where they're at. And I feel like I see, I see both ends of the spectrum. So well I feel like I'm like uniquely positioned to be able to see and appreciate both ends of it. And it's where a lot of that conflict comes from me too. Because everything that I do you get to accomplish I'm like, well, it's only because of this privilege. But then on the other hand when I'm when I'm in these spaces that like in tech, for example that are only usually occupied by by, you know, people who are privileged, I see how my experience with marginalization that I do have helps to have that voice in the room to be like, hey, maybe we don't build this in a way that like people with hearing impairments can't use it. You know what I mean? Like just just whatever the case may be, or Hey, maybe our work environment isn't the most comfortable for any women that we may or may not hire in the future but probably won't because y'all suck but you know, it's it's it's so it is so complicated. It feels so complicated to balance that because I don't feel like we really have a blueprint for that. I feel like everything in America drives me crazy. But I feel like everything in America is always so damn binary. You're either good or you're bad, you're this or that you're privileged or not. And I feel like you know, people like you and me, we are in this unique position where we do live somewhere in that in between. And they're, I don't really know what that looks like who like who is our leader? Like who do we look to for for guidance at all, it almost feels like we're a new breed. And if we're not, then the people who came before us certainly didn't have a voice or a platform in the way that we do today. Because I don't know where they are. But it's just it's it's it's a very interesting position to be in. A great Yeah, well, anyway, on that. I've said all I have to say about fair fair enough. So let's go back to like the Music Music So I see in the background in your in your in your shot here on on the old zoom. This is a nice side this is the dirty kitchen yeah I see again talking about you know what you want people to see and what you don't want people to see right not clean. didn't clean it. It's always stays nice. That's that's okay no definitely no genuine over here dirty kitchen just means that it's it's getting used and that's that's a good thing my kitchen. That's what I tell myself at least I'm like, hey, at least I cook you know, such a positive way. I like that. I grew up in a Are you familiar with like toxic positivity? Yeah, that that's the kind of house that I grew up in. So I'm telling you, I can see any man Dang. Yeah. I definitely texted my friend yesterday who was like going through a breakup and he was like, yeah, it's really hard. But like, you know, I it's could be worse. And I was like, you could also just like, be like, this really fucking sucks. And like, that's okay. Like, that's like, you could just say that. You could just feel that right now. It's okay, you know? Yeah. I've had to have so many people tell me that and like, practically grab my shoulders and shake me and be like, it's okay to feel and that's, that's kind of how I ended up like, rage quitting my job. Rage quitting is a little term as well, I guess maybe not. It was the first time I quit without any notice. And I enjoyed seeing the look on my supervisors face when I told them but that's neither here nor there. I didn't even have I have almost everything working against me when it comes to like feeling my feelings because not only did I grow up in like a toxic positivity household, but I'm also an Aquarius, like anything that's like Uber analytical. I like habit. And I didn't realize for the longest time that what I was experiencing was burnout that I was experiencing things as job that weren't okay. And it was okay to be stressed about it. I was just like, no, this is fine. This is good. And if this isn't working out for you, well, I then then fuck them. I just I just probably have to leave because they're bad as opposed to just being like, No, I'm burnt out like, I need a break. Like this is deteriorating my mental health. I ended up with two on two different occasions I ended up with like stress induced illnesses in my career. And without like, really, if I had never taken that time to look at like, how did I get here? Why did I get here? Let me just feel that I'm feeling it would have just been an endless loop that would have happened over and over and over again. Yeah, 100% is, is astrology. I know you kind of mentioned something about being a Scorpio in the song venom is Oh, yeah. Is that something that you're like deep into it? Or is it just something that like, kind of worked for the song because I, I have a lot of Scorpios in my life, and I have a lot of feelings about Aquarius, and Scorpio connection, but I won't go there. If it's not your so well, so from venom. venom was essentially about like, people continually. And people I like mostly mean white people continually telling me that I was like, and still do, like, continually telling me that I am angry or were just like negative for just being really vocal about things that like art. Okay. Yeah, I'm, I'm very much not afraid to tell people like when something is not okay. But the thing is, like, I'm not angry. But that's something that's like, projected on me so much. That's something that's generally like projected on women of color in the first place. Yeah. But I think if you stand up for yourself, even if you do it in a gentle way, in a kind way, or a loving way, people still will project that anger onto you because that's like what they want to see. They don't want to see that. That Oh, maybe I've done something wrong, and I can correct my behavior. They just want to see it as like, you are angry. So like any internet trolls I get they're always like, I don't know how you. How do you live being this angry all the time, and it's like, I'm like, I'm I'm probably happier. than they are because I don't think that I truly think it is possible to want to see progress and like be fighting for progress and be be happy I think communities of color are particularly good at this because I think it's been a survival mechanism so I think in that song I'm I'm sort of like listing all of these reasons I'm just listing reasons why I'm in I'm inherently angry or inherently like perceived that way fiery you know the things that they like like to call like women of color, like um because for so long I believed I was those things because people projected that onto me so for so long I just thought it was like this is who I am this is just like inherent so when I say I was born in the month the scorpion it's just me like saying well this must be why I'm so angry as opposed to a maybe I'm not that angry and be if I am that angry it's probably on this it's probably because of these like incredibly well founded reasons like roar being angry so yeah, the that's that's more of what that's talking about. I don't I don't know much about astrology I think it's fun I think as in like anything that is spiritual I sort of see it like as a spiritual practice that I believe there's validity in like all spiritual practices. And I also think where there may lack validity all spiritual practices give us give us a framework for understanding and processing our lives in different ways. So to me that's like what astrology is it's it's a way of processing your life in a in a specific way. Cool Yeah, I agree. I think that's great. Yeah, I think we're pretty much at a time I love that we got to end this on you giving me kind of a breakdown on how you came about venom because like I said, that was the first song that they introduced me to your music I loved it. It is got that loop in that song is so freakin cool. And like the harmonies you do with that loop anyway. Everyone go check out venom everyone go check out clay all of my songs literally all of them your older stuff money hydric Gaslight like love all riled up. They're so good. Yeah, they're so good. Some of them are already in my like, the like top 100 like most played for the year like I'm truly digging I'm so thank you coming on the show. Is there anything else that you'd like to add the feel like you'd be remiss if you hadn't brought it up? Um, pre save the album. And if you're in the Los Angeles area, I'm doing a release show on October 25 at Hotel cafe. Oh, great. So come to that. I think I'll come to that. I'll be around for that. Yeah, absolutely. Anybody that shouldn't be my second live thing. I'll see a second show. Yeah, that's right. Love it. Love it. Love it. That's great. Trish, thank you so much for coming on. All the links for everything that we've talked about are in the BIOS listeners. Please check that out. And thank you again. I will see you soon. See you soon. Thank you for having me. Once again, that was trashes. Thank you Trish for coming on to the show. I had a great time. Love me a guest that gives me a book recommendation. I've got the some of us in my in my to be read list. Anyway, thank you for listening to this episode of the Leo Yockey show. If you'd like to support this show, please leave me a five star rating review on Apple or whatever platform you may be listening to this on. It helps me out a lot. let your friends know that you're listening to this take a screenshot and make your Instagram story. You can tag me at LEOYOCKEY and you can follow me on your favorite social media accounts. All the links are in the show notes. I'm on Instagram, Twitter and tik tok. I've been having a lot of fun on tik tok. I've been posting stuff every day. Yeah pre saved Trisha is album The aged. Follow her on social media. If you're in LA I hope to see you at her album release show. I'll be back next week with a brand new episode. Stay evolving.