The Leo Yockey Show

Read Some Romance (Addie Woolridge)

Season 2 Episode 6

Addie Woolridge returns to talk about her latest book, The Bounce Back. Addie and Leo also discuss failure, belonging, and the important role that romance novels play in our culture.

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The Checklist;
The Bounce Back

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By: Leo Yockey

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Leo Yockey Show, the show where I Leo Yockey interview guests about the universal truths in their unique life path. Okay, I'm gonna make this super quick because I don't know if you can tell by my voice but I'm actually really sick. It's not COVID COVID test came back negative, but holy moly, I feel like shit. So we're gonna get pretty much right into it today. I'm really excited. I my first returning guest today is the author Addy Woolridge. She was in season one. When her debut novel, the checklist came out. And now today, her second novel, The bounce back is being released. So I hope you enjoy this interview. I have a couple of announcements at the end. So stay tuned for that. Including a way to support the show that doesn't involve just rating reviewing and subscribing. So please stick around for that. In the meantime, here is once again, Addy willowridge. Addy willowridge, did you think that approximately four months ago, when we did our first podcast recording, they you would be here recording a podcast to be released the day that your second book comes out? That we would be friends and that you would be up to that point? The only repeat guests of the Leo Yockey show? No. Yeah, I was just thinking about this. I was like, Yeah, we was like my genuine homie. I'm super excited to talk to him again. Like, what are the odds? Yeah, I'm excited to talk to you too. And unfortunately, peek behind the curtain for the listener, because I've had some friends on here where it's like, we haven't really talked. And so you're getting like, the raw like, initial, like catch up, we already caught up because there are certain things that don't necessarily need to be on this podcast. It's not the time or the place. Because you know what, the bounce back was a very nice feel a good book. And some of the stuff that we talked about were not nice, feel good things. But I also like, I was just reflecting on the experiences like the checklist coming out and like making friends with you. And one of the cool thing that I didn't see coming with writing books was like, the friends I would make over the internet. I wasn't like an internet friend person. And now I have internet friends who are like, genuinely, my friends like you and I had dinner. We're now friends friends. We did it is it is having dinner official our friendship. And I mean, that dinner happened at a very, I really needed to not be alone that day. And, you know, so it, the timing was perfect. It was it was a great chance to be able to see I still haven't seen Marshall yet. And you know, I've actually been thinking about this because for those of you who remember martial hue from season one, but somehow don't remember, Addy willowridge from season one, they are brother and sister. I've realized shout out to Marshall, love you so much if you hear this, but oh my god, my lifestyle. I think matches yours a lot more. I was like starting, you know, getting into comedy and all this stuff. So I think I might have presented myself as being much cooler than I am when I met Marshall. But the reality is that I like a very nice, quiet life. I stay at home a lot. I don't go out late like Marshalls, like when he's in LA. He's like, I'm doing this show. I'm gonna go on at like 10pm And I'm like, oh, what our past my bedtime. Alright, man, have fun. Let me know what you're doing during the day. Love you. Oh, no, I'm sorry. Like my, we will not be leaving this house. Okay, it's it's done. The ideas that we've been house after 10 are long gone. But Marshall is doing enough of that for the whole family at this stage. And like, somebody is out there doing this for us. It's just not. Right, and like, I'll come to your TED Talk, man. Like, that was in LA, I would have done that for sure. Like, that's up my speed. But, you know, I'll meet him someday, too. But um, anyway, we're not we're not here to talk about about. We, we we will probably digress a lot. And that's okay. And that being said, I think that we should let you we being me, I think I should let you talk about your book right off the bat before we get too far off. So the bounceback your second novel, if you're listening to this podcast the day that it comes out Here's 26 August, October 26. What is time? Time? Nobody knew what his time it means nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's it's like what do people say? Like time isn't even linear anyway? Like, it's all it's all bullshit. Yeah, it's a construct. We're living in some sort of matrix. The world is ending. It's the end times it's the apocalypse. On the way out. Exactly, exactly. So what if so what is the bounce back all about? So the bounce back crash there, like so many different ways to talk about this, but the bounce back? For those of you who I guess, haven't been following along, I write rom coms. So multicultural kind of diverse, contemporary ROM. But I like to say that I, I deal with stuff that's maybe a little bit heavier in a funny way. So the bounce back follows aspiring artists, but maybe slightly under committed artists, Neil dellacroix, who accidentally sets kind of her career as a bad job of explaining this. I'm sorry. You're practicing for the press tour. I love Yeah, I know. I thought about that. I was like, wow, I should really work on like my elevator pitch or something. I'll do that later. Whatever. I never did it. Do it now. We're doing it. So congratulations. You're getting the behind the scenes look at workshopping. workshopping this with Leo. He's just gonna help me refine my concepts. So yeah, oh, the bounce back. It's a contemporary rom com, multicultural, diverse cast rom com. It follows Neil dellacroix, who's an aspiring but under committed artist, who should be on cloud nine, she managed to land a spot in a really prestigious showcase, and immediately sets her career on fire. Around the same time, her parents say, hey, you know, you kind of got to grow up, you need to move out and the boyfriend breaks up with her. And Neil takes all of this as a sign that she needs to step away from the art world, but she's breaking everything she touches, can use to kind of give up dating, get herself together, give up art, go get a like, boring nine to five job. And of course, she manages to do these things. But just like anybody who maybe isn't quite doing what is in their heart, realizes that even doing those things much harder than you think it's going to be. And so this is kind of a story of, in some ways growing up and figuring out who she is. And of course, there's romance. Listen, that was a great elevator pitch. It took a second. Yeah, got there. And I have to say, so I don't remember what I said about your first book, The Checklist. But it's interesting to me, because, you know, in reading this book is, you know, thank you for that. VIP press, member of the press, you know, before the release copy of it, because we're recording this before the 26th and I've already read it Hey, you got it. There's, you know, so that you touched on a lot of things that just feel very relatable to the millennial going through the existential crisis, right, you know, like the dreams falling apart, the bills are coming due. How am I going to make all this work, you know, kind of redefining self in the midst of a breakup, new career, all these things, I found it all to be very relatable. And I found myself often thinking like, Oh, my God, like Neil is going through exactly what I'm going through. Which is exactly how I felt about Dylan dellacroix The, the main character of your first book, The checklist, the sister of Neil dellacroix In this fictitious world. And so I'm really, it seems like you have this like rom com that is really touching on things that are I mean, part I don't know, I'm like, is this stuff that's just like really universal? Like you're riding at like, you know, basic, like, human condition type of real life shit. Are you like writing stuff? Just for me, Leo Yockey. Specifically, even though you wrote these before you knew me but you know, we just said time isn't linear. So who knows? You know, like, what how did you do that? Like, how did you like what what makes these characters like so like relatable? Like are these are these things that you dealt with like in your in your own life? Like are you writing to like a younger version of yourself? Because I've already said I'm like, like, I'm like Addy. willowridge is basically my big sister at this point. Like, yeah, I want to say to Leo I, you know, I guess a little bit of everything I was thinking a little bit about the writing process and how I create things. And I think sometimes it's just ruminating on a concept. This, this doesn't sound like a funny thing. But it truly is. When I was thinking about the bounce back, I actually wanted to explore failure. And what does it mean to fail? How do you pick yourself up? Who do you become when you fail? Do you become someone different? When you fail? Do you become more of yourself? All of those kinds of concepts. And Sunil was really kind of the perfect vehicle for that. I had already read a book where someone was very competent, and they just needed the world to recognize it. And with this, I wanted the story to almost be the inverse, where someone else needed to recognize for themselves that they were competent, that they could do something. I think having gone to music school, having been an artist, essentially, I guess, writers are considered artists. I guess I'm still an artist. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Like, I'm not a musician anymore. But I'm still an artist. Your art is evolving. Yeah. Or it is evolving. Like, I'm one of those people. Listeners can't see me, but I'm making a weird face. But yeah, so I wanted to kind of explore growing up as an artist too, because I think there's this sort of sense when you're younger, and an artist that if you're not doing your art, exactly the way that you envision it at exactly this moment, and having this exact kind of success, that it's better to starve and suffer, then create anything that isn't 100% your vision at any time, then you're a failure, or a sellout and your life is miserable, and you're not even an artist refresh. And I think that's something that a lot of artists internalize, and then feel guilt when they can say only paint on the weekends or only creates their music after work, or you know, they're playing at a jazz bar that also serves dinner, and that can't possibly be art. And so I wanted to kind of explore, like, what happens when someone who sort of thinks a little bit about themselves, and bases some of their value on not having to do those things, has to either do those things or address why they're not doing those things? And what about their life sort of allows them to not do those things? What are the systems that allow them to just produce art without having to have a side gig? Or how do they feel once they've got a side gig, but they're not necessarily producing their art and that friction that comes with not being exactly who you want to be all the time? And figuring out who that is? I don't know if that makes sense. Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense. And I'm really glad that you talked about like, the system specifically, because you're right, like I look at, I look at friends that I have, that are also pursuing their art that are also at various stages in their career, and you do see how systems kind of play a role, you know, i i in going back to tech, yeah, you know, part of it for me was I'm recovering from burnout. I, you know, found that, you know, like in recovering from burnout, I didn't hate it, you know, like, there is creativity in it, like I do enjoy some of it. But at the end of the day, if this wasn't something that paid really, really, really well, I probably wouldn't be going back to it right now. And the reality is that it's great. In a perfect world, we're just, you know, eating fruit and making art all day. You know, like, I've seen things on Twitter's stuff that's just like, man, before the colonizers came, we really just like ate fruit and made art all day. And that is, of course, the ideal life. But you know, it's like this balance between what is ideal? And what is the reality that we're actually facing. And I think that that was a lot of what Neil is grappling with in in the book, you know, what I mean? And I look at some people who are pursuing their art and are further along, and they're either willing to make certain sacrifices that I'm not as far as you know, be living that starving artists lifestyle, I am just, I'm just not at that stage in my life. Right now. I don't want a roommate, you know, moving back in with my parents isn't an option, like all these different things. But also, some of them are just, you know, it's like they have, you know, they had a different life path where they just might have more resources than me to be able to pursue those things. And it's usually some sort of combination of that. And it so it's not so much like who's more dedicated to their art, it's more just like Who, who, who has things within the system like working for and against them and who's willing to either use that privilege or, you know, kind of deal with the consequences of not using that privilege because like, yeah, being transgender like I need to have really expensive health insurance to be able to like keep my hormone treatment going and stuff. So it's like for me going to starving artists route is just never really going to be my thing. And I really think something that stands out to me is that there is this notion that you would be happier if you could do just like the flourishing artists situation. And I actually think that so much of art is reaction to life. And if you're not living life, you're not building relevant art to assert. And at least at least, for me, one of the things that I came to realize is that I actually like having different bits and pieces of my life. I don't mind having a day job, there are times where I'm like, oh, drop, that's frustrating. I don't like it. Um, but the truth is, there are aspects of running a book business, and I'm like, oh, yeah, really, I have to, I have contractors, I have to call to do you know, design work for this thing. And either way, there are going to be bits and pieces of my life that I don't really feel like doing no matter what business I'm in. And I think as a society, we have this tendency to really glamorize artists and art as a creation. Without thinking about the business that makes are possible, without thinking about the structures that make your art possible. And without thinking about the role you play in making your art possible. And I think there are times where we can kind of buy into this concept that I have to be uncomfortable to create, to create art, or that if I'm too comfortable, my Oracle bat good and it's actually a balance, I think that makes art good. It's that that slight discomfort, where like I want something a little bit more, I feel compelled to put something into this world. So I'm not completely like, complacent floating away on a cloud. And I don't feel motivated to say something because I think good art says something or reflects something about the world, right? So in some way, I have to see a little bit of something almost like a pearl, you know, or like, there's got to be sand somewhere in there, in order for me to create something and for artists to create something. So being too comfortable isn't going to yield art that is meaningful, but being completely just comfortably uncomfortable. And to your point, not being able to afford the kind of health insurance that lets you be who you are. You would never create meaningful art that way either. Like, all of those things kind of have to align and a lot of life as an artist is just sort of figuring out, how do I make that balance possible for me, and for some people, that's a day job for some people that is for some people to trust fund. Yeah, for real. And, man, it it astounds me how often I can bring the conversation of this and so many of my podcast episodes, but it, I think that this is just another symptom of the fact that in our culture, we are obsessed with binaries, and everything is either this or that is either you or the successful, you know, even not even just an artist, but just like an entrepreneur, you're doing your own thing, and you're thriving your own thing, or you're a failure with a day job. And there's no in between when the reality is, you know, just like you said, like how many times have we enjoyed an artist, especially musical artists, where they get fame after a little while and a couple albums deep, you're like, oh, man, they just they're not the way they used to be anymore. They sold out there, they're this they're that they don't relate they're, you know, writing songs about things that they're not right. They didn't used to write about, or they're still writing about the things they used to write about. And haven't they grown and evolved as a person, you know, there's, there's all these different things. But also, like you said, yeah, like for me, I can't make my art, whatever that looks like, when I'm worried about how am I going to pay the bills like that is just not it's it actually is easier for me to focus when I know where my money's coming in. And we're so obsessed with like, oh, you should just be able to do your own thing and have freedom. But to me freedom is the fact that I can go and you know, contract out and yeah, technically I'm an employee. But I'm making this like really high hourly wage, which is a great privilege being in tech. And I don't have to worry about like, the business, it doesn't matter. I just come in and I do my thing. And then I have all this extra brain space available for the art that I want to do. You know, could I build myself up so that I'm either making money off of my art or like building my own tech agencies from this like entrepreneur? Sure I could be but like, why? Because someone else says that this is a definition of success. And that's why like I really I really appreciated you know of all of the conversations I had in season one, though. One that I had with you is the one that I feel like, Man, I feel like I'm most emulating what you talked about, like having that freedom to be able to create art, and know where the bills are, how the bills are being paid, and also just have that inspiration for life like not be so disconnected. That the art is in authentic, I guess, is the word I'm looking for. I think one of the things that I really loved about kind of this side of the publishing journey, when you write your first book, you nobody knows who you are, nobody has read your stuff, you don't really exist in the same way. And then your art goes into the world. And people read your book, and one of the things that I've actually come to really love is talking to readers. Because ultimately, that's, that's who I create for, right. And that's whose world I'm writing, I don't write, you know, on the planet of Jupiter, an alien comes and bubbeleh. And that's totally fine, if that's like your vibe. But that's not what I write, I write a lot of people who have day jobs, who have friend conflicts, who have family conflicts, who their car breaks down, or their clothes are crappy, or just, you know, kind of their some mundane things. But I also think that life can be really funny, even when it's mundane, like the, you know, that classic joke of like the shopping bag breaking. And it always happens in a movie. And it's always a little bit funny, but it's a little bit funny. And when it happens to you at the same time, you're like, seriously, really come on. But it's relatable for that reason that you have had the experience of Oh, come on. And now you're watching someone else happen. And so in that sense, I actually don't want to remove myself too far from the world that my readers live in. Because I like that my books, let them see their own world in a way. Or let them imagine the pieces their world just slightly different. Or even sometimes it's not even imagining the world in different ways, just taking them out of the moment. They're in and allowing them to be in a different kind of moment. Yeah, I think, no, I think that's really cool. Like, take taking bits of real life, and just examining it and showing it in a way that's really relatable because you're right, like even, you know, like the Neil character, like she's borrowing her sister's clothes, because she doesn't even know how to dress for a regular job. Like that's real. I, I feel that a lot in a lot of different places. Where I, and I think some of this too, is like, for me, it's also just like being black. I'm like, I'm always just like, hyper aware of how I'm like presenting to the world. Like the first tech shot that I had, I was in this like, kind of fancy office building in Santa Monica. We're in like, the tallest building in Santa Monica, which is not saying a lot, but yeah. Yeah, well, I mean, it was 21 stories. Thank you very much. No, downtown, but okay. Yeah, no, not even close. But um, we, we were the one tech company in a building full of mostly lawyers and real estate developers. So we were essentially the only office that had a casual dress code. And I remember talking to one of my white colleagues, who is truly just like, jeans and an old, like, banned t shirt or something like that, or graphic T every day, which is fine, because hey, it's a tech company. That's not what people wear. But I remember him saying was something along the lines of yeah, when whenever I get into the elevator, it seems like all these other like, corporate drones, like, look at me, and they're like, really jealous that I'm, like, dressed like this. And I'm like, really? Because I feel like me with my like, jeans and like, a plaid shirt. Usually it would be like what I would wear. Like, I feel like they're looking at me like, like, I don't belong, like they're trying to assess why I'm even in the elevator, you know? And they're like, it's like, like, Did you steal that key card kid? Like, what are you doing? You know, how are you bringing something you scrub? Like, right? Exactly. And I don't know how much of that is, you know the difference in having white man confidence and just assuming that everyone's dazzled by you versus not having that and how much of that is is a real perception that these people are having the elevator but the either way, you know if I had been dressed in like a really nice tailored suit, like all these lawyer types where I went into felt that way, and I that is like a very new thing for me like realizing how much that stuff can matter. Like oh my God, when I was at this wedding, I was just telling you, I officiated my best friend's wedding. Over the last weekend. I talked about it a little bit on the podcast leading up leading up to this episode. But man, I felt like I like own the place. You know what I mean? They also they told me they're like the officiant has a lot of power. And they shouldn't have told me that. But I just I felt very powerful. I knew I knew I looked good in that suit, like, those kinds of things do make a difference. And those are some of the like, the little details in life that we don't really talk about or think about very often. Yeah, and I also think feeling like you belong in that suit is kind of at least part of the story that I was trying to tell with Neil is that she's constantly putting on these costumes or identities, and then feeling like maybe they're not quite her or not quite right. Or it's not quite who she wants to be, even when she you know, has more comfortable setup at the beginning of the book. She's wearing a costume. And then throughout the story, she's she's wearing different people's clothes, and she's borrowing things and trying to build an identity that just doesn't quite doesn't fit her. And I think part of spoiler alert, if you're not familiar with the genre of romance, they always end happily. The book kind of works itself out is Neal becoming comfortable in Neil's clothing and finding her identity and who she wants to be. And that's what I love about your suit stories. Like, you're wearing this suit, and you're like, I belong in this. I feel good. And that's just amazing. Thank you. Yeah, it was, it was a really cool feeling. I I love that idea that like all romance novels, always. And happily, it's just like rom coms. Like the movies, like they just they're not there, it's just not going to have a sad ending. It's a nice little escape from reality. If you're reading a romance novel, and it ends poorly, you're not reading a romance novel novel, you're reading a love story. And that is like, in the romance writer, community, this is like our big like, fight, not even fight just like our big delineation, if you're writing romance, it ends halfway, it's called an ETA and happy for now. HFM, right. So it doesn't have to end in like marriage and a baby and all that kind of thing, you just have to end on a high. And that's the promise that you make the reader right. And that's actually why I like writing in the genre. And why I love reading the genre, because you see all different kinds of people, no matter what they've done, no matter where they start, at the end of the beginning of the book, you know that at the end, they will be found worthy of loving themselves and being loved. Which is ultimately why I think romance is probably the most popular fiction genre, because people actually need to know that they are worthy of being loved and loving themselves. And it's just really reassuring, I think, and particularly in times like these that are really challenging, being able to write that and give somebody that reassurance that hey, you're worthy. Is such a gift. Like it's my favorite part of what I do. I love that. And that and that's such a good point. You know, like, knowing your worth, and being able to see stories that exemplify that is really important. And I feel like I don't know, it's it's weird. I feel like there's a lot of people that are like, oh, a story, you know, like, that's not what real life is. You're just escaping bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. And I'm like, what a what a sad view on reality, like I've never, because even just like with TV shows and movies, like I always prefer things that are happier. And my whole thing is like, I feel like I feel everything like I understand how fucked up the world is, I don't want my entertainment to further remind me of that. I feel like my entertainment needs to help me fill up my cup so that I can go out and deal with the not so great aspects of the world. Yeah, and I really, I, I think it's an interesting cultural commentary that we have as, as sort of, you and I are both in the States for listening, who maybe abroad, like Americans, in particular have this sense that if something is whimsical or joyful, it isn't a value. And that's just simply not true. But we choose to love stories where suffering is at the core, particularly for minorities, or people with marginalized identities in this country. If you're not suffering, we don't even bother to tell your story. And I really feel like as a romance writer, and as a black woman, a huge part of my goal was to tell stories that center our joy and remind people that it's okay for them to be loved and to be joyful to feel love and joy. Even after going through challenges, like her still jokes to be had in challenging moments. And not just because I'm the kind of person who laughs at a funeral, but because we should all be able to laugh a little right. And so for me, and I think a lot of my romance writer friends, particularly those of us who have marginalized identities It's really a special sort of mantle that we carry, to make sure that we are sharing images and words and scenes of joy for people that otherwise we don't get to see any media experiencing joy. I was laughing with a friend of mine who is a lesbian. And she was talking about how she only recently started reading romance. And she had said, you know, before that I was used to the stereotype of the rope, the lesbian dies at the end, that is just across the board, any storytelling involving lesbians, we have to die at the end, it was not in romance, you don't good news. I've I got stories for you. And I love that the genre is it we're doing a slightly better job, or I should say independent publishing has opened up a lot of doors for people with marginalized identities, to put these kinds of stories out into the world. In the past, we didn't have access to those kinds of stories. So you and I had to grow up without ever seeing a version of ourselves in a joyful position or a position of success or accomplishment is just kind of like a you're gonna be a drug lord, because that's the only person who can have any money on TV. That's it. That's all you got. Good luck. Yeah. Um, and I love being a part of an artistic movement that is giving us something else. Right? It's it's great because represent representation matters. And it's happening everywhere, folks. Even in romance novels. Yes. Oh, my God, look at the time. How are we already running out of time? Did you want to ask me a question cuz I don't think I ever let you like ask an actual question. You totally did. I asked questions. No, that's that's the whole point of this though. It's it's supposed to be a conversation. I'm actually amazed. I didn't take any notes. I'm usually like, I gotta write stuff down. So forget, like what we're talking about. And I can circle back and I, we just let this flow the so all the listeners, although you didn't get to hear all the juicy stuff we talked about before we hit record, you did hear a very naturally flowing conversation, which I loved and I love having you on. Yes, aside from plugging the book, of course, is there anything else that you would like to add that you feel like you'd be remiss if you if you didn't share it with our listeners? Thank I feel like my theme right now is just like you're worthy of joy and love. Like this is the kind of season I think we're heading into where it can be easy to forget, you know, as winter kind of things get darker. In some places, you're heading into elections that can be emotional or distressing. And I think a lot of people are changing jobs right now, let's not pretend we're not still in a pandemic. There's a lot of hardness, just kind of exiting work. There's a lot of difficulty floating around. I'm a professional writers. I just anyone can do it, but you get paid to make them up. Right. That's what writers really like. If I make up a word, it can potentially go into the dictionary with a spinner. So congratulations. Start using it. Maybe Miriam's will agree. But yeah, I guess the thing that I just want to remind listeners is a read some romance, be you are worthy of love, you are worthy of experiencing joy, even when times are a little bit hard. You're worth it. That's what I would like to remind people of, it's the most big sister thing to remind someone of ever. Yeah, I love it. You're worthy of love, read a romance book, read some romance may very well become the title of this episode. Please, please make that the title of this episode. And like, listeners, if you don't know where to start with romance, and you're looking for something like, I'm on Twitter, I'm on Instagram, like, tweet at me or whatever. And I will do my very best to like find something that lines up with the things that you love. Because I'm very passionate about getting people to read romance. I love it. I love that there is like something for everybody. But also Hey, listen, if you if you're feeling weird about that you want to reach out there's literally links in the show notes to this episode. So just just just read these books, just just start. Alright guys, thank you so much for coming on. Where Where would you like to be found on the World Wide Web? Good question. So um, I think I said I'm on Twitter at Addy writes or Adewole read. You can find me. I'm Graham. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, they're in the shownotes. I'm on Instagram. I have a website and Addy Woolridge just about everywhere. Okay, you are just about Awesome. Thank you, Addy. willowridge for coming on. This has been a blast. As always at Hey, I'll see you when the third book comes out. Right All right. Yes. I hopefully I'll have some updates for people soon. So, fingers. Awesome. Looking forward to it. Talk to you later. Bye All right, once again, that was Addy Woolridge. Always fun to talk to you at he cannot wait for book number three. Hopefully there's there's something in the works there so that we can have you back on the show again. Or, you know, you could also come back on without a book to promote. But, you know. Anyway, as promised, there is a new way to support the Leo Yockey show other than rating, reviewing and subscribing. Though, please keep those coming in. Thank you so much for all of your reviews, they really are like currency in this field. I am now an affiliate on So that means that if you go to the link in the show notes to purchase either of Addy will ridges books, the checklist or the bounce back, you'll be supporting both her and this show. I'm going to be adding more stuff to that bookshop in the future books that I highly recommend stuff like that. And I highly recommend checking out both books, both the checklist and the bounce back and reread them in the order that they came out. That's just my take. And the other big announcement is that for the foreseeable future, the Leo Yockey show will be a bi weekly podcast. That means that we'll only be having new episodes once every two weeks. So that's going to start immediately. The next episode will be with my new friend Criss Angel Murphy, I believe I think that's the one I have coming up next. But either way, no matter which one it is that will be coming out on Tuesday, November 9. The next episode after that I believe will be with my friend Stephanie not Stephanie somatics from the season one finale a different Stephanie, equally deep conversation that will be coming out on Tuesday, November 23. I think that's a Tuesday. Anyway, thank you so much again for being on this journey with me. I'm going to go lie down and sleep until this flu goes away. Please continue to wear your masks and wash your hands and stay socially distance wherever possible. We basically eradicated the flu last year and it's already back in Los Angeles. Isn't that lovely? Anyway, stay safe out there. Enjoy the next couple of weeks and stay evolving.